Peak performance


Peak Performance was founded with the sole objective; to support individuals in reaching their full potential in life (or THEIR peak performance). Time is the greatest asset we all have, unfortunately it’s non-renewable. Our time should be spent putting ourselves in positions to do the things in life that make us happiest with the people that matter most. 
Coaching at its heart is about personal growth, allowing individuals to be creative in a thought-provoking setting and so enabling them to maximise their personal and professional potential. It is the recognition that individuals are experts in their own lives and capable of making the necessary decisions needed to unlock that potential. I’m simply here to support you along your journey.

Brendan Franks

Can you remember a time in your life when you just knew it was defining for you? – that things would be different from this point on. For me this happened when I was 35 and the defining piece was that I started to take control of life; I started to make decisions with intent. I found that when I took full responsibility for the direction I was going, I started to find authenticity. It is a constant battle to retain this in everything I do so the journey of personal growth continues and will do so I’m guessing for however long I’m around! Life Coaching is about supporting people to find their authentic selves and to help them excel. Being part of this process with my clients is something that I am extremely grateful to them for as they let me into their lives and I get to observe the direction they take and the successes they experience. It’s a nice place to be

What I have discovered is that life has real meaning and there is a purpose for us all being here, hence I qualified as a Coach (completely left field from previous careers – IT and Compliance!). It took me a little while to find this path. So, wouldn’t it be great to support teenagers as early as possible in life to explore their purpose before setting out on a particular career path. I hear constantly a generalisation that teenagers don’t know what they want to do – while this may seem to be the case the fact is that with the right guidance and questions there is so much that a teenager can uncover during coaching which will give them enhanced self-awareness to let them see the impact they wish their life to have and in most cases a clear direction to proceed with. The teenage career coaching programme I run brings clarity, increases confidence and motivates young adults to be active participants in their lives and the decisions being made. Given I was there myself when I was a young adult, I get what young adults are going through and look forward to each and every session I spend with them as they constantly challenge me to view life differently.
Life often brings with it big and brave decisions that need to be made to find true happiness. None more so than changing career or setting out on a new business venture. Wouldn’t it be great to have someone in your corner during these times to champion who you are and where you are going, someone to hold you accountable for the direction you have decided upon, to challenge and be empathetic at the same time and to help you overcome those obstacles as they emerge. Just like my coaches and mentors have done for me I’m here to support you through your big decisions.
Setting up a business has been equally rewarding and challenging. Transitioning from an employee to a business owner has brought huge gratification and a new skillset in being able to relate to business owners and bring both my experience from working in international organisations and much researched knowledge to help them in their quest for profitable growth and more importantly successful and fulfilled lives. My journey as a self-employed business owner continues. Fortunately, I get to meet and work with other business owners to strategise and grow their businesses, which ultimately leads to their success and a deeper relationship between us.
As the logo and tagline states Peak Performance is about “Empowering individuals to reach theirs”, so if you have a goal and what to start moving in that direction but maybe need a non-judgmental partner to join your journey please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let’s move you closer to your peak performance!

First Step

We would be delighted to discuss with you the future you are seeking and if we can assist you in getting there.

+353 851352322

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